About us


The IES Los Neveros is a public Secondary School. There are 31 teachers, one administrative and one caretaker. The amount of students is 360.

Our school is located in Huétor Vega, a small town four kilometres far from Granada, in Andalusia. Our students are aged between 12 and 16 years old and we only offer Compulsory Secondary Education. Once their studies are finished, our pupils may whether continue higher education in high schools nearby, or continue in vocational training courses in different institutions within Granada.

IES Los Neveros has been working on Learning Communities for several years now, and therefore we have been working on involving the entire education community in the educational process (not only the students, but also their families) in order to increase effective teaching in the classroom.
Since September 2018, the school has also become a bilingual institution, working in English in certain subjects such as Biology, Maths, Chemistry and ICT. Furthermore, our students learn French as a foreign language and a school exchange has been developed recently.

Furthermore, it is our intention fostering internationality and European consciousnesswithin our students, and therefore in 2019 we aim to apply for a KA1 project regarding “How family problems affect low student achievement”.

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